Veluwe grassland plant collection

- Infrastructure type
- Collections - cultures / museum
- Landscape type
- Institute
The collection
This is a systematic collection of eight plant species from five grassland sites in the Veluwe, for which some tissue from individual plants is stored at -80 °C. For each site, up to 10 individuals from each species have been sampled along a transect at two time points (late May and early August). The five field sites are part of the land use chronosequence initiated by the department of Terrestrial Ecology, and have been taken out of agricultural use at different time points (see above). The plant species were selected because they are present in all communities studied, while representing a broad range of plants. We are enriching and sequencing viruses from these samples.
Species groups studied
Plants, viruses
Running period (guaranteed funding)
2019 – 2022
Equipment / facilities
Eight plant species have been selected for sampling:
- the perennial herbs Plantago lanceolata, Hypericum perforatum, Achillea millefolium and Rumex acetosella,
- the annual or biennial herbs Viola arvensis, Jacobaea vulgaris and Geranium molle
- the grass Bromus hordeaceus
Tissues have been ground and homogenised prior to storage in Eppendorf tubes.
For every plant sample, the height and width have been measured, disease symptoms have been noted, and for some samples photographs are available.
Virus particles are being enriched and sequenced for pools of all individuals from one site and time point (up to ten plants).
Data management
FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable)
Available datasets
N/A yet. High-throughput sequencing data will be made publically available in due course.
Conditions for access
Requests for access can be considered on an individual basis. A limited amount of tissue is stored per individual plant (up to 1g).
- Infrastructure type
- Collections - cultures / museum
- Landscape type
- Institute