Soil ecotron

- Infrastructure type
- Ecotron outdoor
- Institute
The facility
The ecotron consists of 60 cilinders with intact (non-disturbed) sand, peat or sea clay cores (20 each). For each soil treatment, ten of the cilinders are inoculated with soil from species-rich grassland with the same soil type. The other ten are inoculated with sterile soil from the same grassland. The cilinders are buried in an experimental garden.
The cilinders have a diameter of 95 cm and a height of 1 meter (±700 liter), and can be used for non-destructive measurements.
Research topics
(Soil) microbes, plants, insects (invertebrates).
Not available yet
Running period
The experiment started 20-05-2021 and will end after approximately ten years.
Data management
In progress.
Available datasets: No data available yet.
Conditions for access
Requests to make use of the facility can be made by contacting Wim van der Putten or Freddy ten Hooven.
- Infrastructure type
- Ecotron outdoor
- Institute