Marker Wadden

- Infrastructure type
- Field sites / Long-term monitoring
- Landscape type
- Research partner
Study site
The Marker Wadden is a newly constructed archipelago in lake Markermeer, which aims to improve the lake’s degrading food web by stimulating primary productivity. The archipelago consists of five islands that add a currently missing habitat type to the lake: shallow, sheltered waters with high nutrient availability and gradual land-water transitions. We constructed and maintain a network of sensors in the waters between these islands (16 locations) that monitors the influence of the Marker Wadden on water quality and movements of five (acoustically tracked) species of freshwater fish.
Research topics
Dissolved oxygen, freshwater fish, transparency, water depth, water quality, water temperature
Running period (guaranteed funding)
2019 – 2022
Equipment / facilities
- Water temperature sensors
- Light sensors
- Fish-tracking sensors
- Dissolved oxygen sensors
- Water depth sensors
Data management
All data are managed according to the NIOO Research data policy, which is in compliance with FAIR data guidelines. The available data for the Markenwadden sensor network can be shared upon request.
Conditions for access
Access to the archipelago should be requested from its managers: Natuurmonumenten (Dutch Society For Nature Conservation). It is possible to request data from the sensor network.
- Infrastructure type
- Field sites / Long-term monitoring
- Landscape type
- Research partner