Land van Ons - Warmond

- Infrastructure type
- Field sites / Long-term monitoring
- Research partner
Study site
The foundation 'Land van Ons' has obtained a peat meadow area near Leiden (Oude Ade; Noordelijke vrouw Vennepolder) to increase biodiversity in this intensively used agricultural area. The goal is not to recreate nature, but to develop sustainable agricultural use of this land with the goal of increasing biodiversity in the area and developing management strategies that optimise its ecological, economic and recreational value. Currently there are several experiments running in test fields with e.g. rice, cranberry and peat moss. One of the interventions with the most impact is raising the water table in the whole area. Research is carried out by Leiden University, Naturalis and NIOO-KNAW in cooperation with Hoogheemraadschap Rijnland en several municipalities in the area. A nearby facility (Warmond Buiten) functions as a base for storing equipment, and hosting meetings and fieldworkers.
Species groups studied
Plants, insects, microbes, insects, mammals, zooplankton, algae, microbes
- Marselis, S.M.; Hannula, S.E.; Trimbos, K.B.; Berg, M.P.; Bodelier, P.L.E., Declerck, S.A.J.; Erisman, J.W.; Kuramae, E.E.; Nanu, A.; Veen, G.F.; van 't Zelfde, M.; Schrama, M. The use of living labs to advance agro-ecological theory in the transition towards sustainable land use: A tale of two polders. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 2024, Volume 108, 107588.
Running period
2020 – ?: The field site will run until at least 2032.
Available equipment/facilities
A facility for storing equipment and samples, for simple lab work and for hosting meeting and visitors is available nearby at Warmond Buiten. Automatic and manual flux chambers are present in the plots that can be used.
Available datasets
There is an (expanding) database with data on plants, insects, macrofauna, micro-organisms (fungi, bacteria) that is available upon request.
Data management
FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable)
Primary data and the related metadata will be stored long-term by, and made available through, the protocols relating to data management of the organisations involved with a coordinating role for Leiden University. The level of availability will depend on the type of data, the organisation and the timing of the request.
- Infrastructure type
- Field sites / Long-term monitoring
- Research partner