Hole-breeding passerines monitoring: Vlieland

Vlieland is one of four areas in NIOO-AnE's long-term monitoring research on great tits and other bird species that started in 1955. It consists of several smaller forest areas, which together cover about 250 ha of mainly conifers and oak on poor sandy soil. As Vlieland is an island in the Wadden Sea, the area stands completely on its own. Important population questions in NIOO's long term research are/were studied here.
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© Henri Bouwmeester / NIOO-KNAW


Infrastructure type
Field sites / Long-term monitoring
Landscape type
Research partner

Study site

Vlieland is one of four areas in NIOO-AnE's long-term monitoring research on great tits and other bird species that started in 1955. It consists of several smaller forest areas, which together cover about 250 ha of mainly conifers and oak on poor sandy soil. Because of Vlieland's isolation being an island in the Wadden Sea, and the variety of smaller-sized forests, important population questions in NIOO's long term research are/were studied here. Most breeding seasons, two fieldworkers, one or more student(s) and sometimes a researcher are involved in doing field work. 

Species groups studied

Bird species studied since 1955 are hole-breeders: mainly great tit and blue tit.

Running period (guaranteed funding)

1955 - undetermined

Equipment / facilities

Nestboxes (+/-450)

Data management 

All detailed data from breeding season and winter period roost checks is entered in the ‘Avian database' (BAS) at NIOO-AnE. It consists of broods, individuals, captures, all kinds of biometry data, blood samples and other samples, bill size photographs, etc. It also contains also data on blue tits.

Available datasets

  • Hole-breeders (1955 – undetermined)

Conditions for access

The forest areas and large parts of the island of Vlieland are property of the State Forestry Service. For more details, please contact Judith Risse.


Infrastructure type
Field sites / Long-term monitoring
Landscape type
Research partner




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