Avian blood sample collection

Since 1994, we collect genetic samples from insects (winter moth) and birds (mainly great tit, blue tit, pied flycatcher, oystercatcher and various waterfowl). The location and specifications of a sample can be found in our relational data warehouse. There are more than 170,000 blood samples, feathers and other tissues stored at NIOO. The samples can be used to investigate the genotype of an individual or population in relation to their fenotype.
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test tubes
© Perro de Jong / NIOO


Infrastructure type
Collections - cultures / museum

The facility

Since 1994, we collect genetic samples from insects (winter moth) and birds (mainly great tit, blue tit, pied flycatcher, oystercatcher and various waterfowl). The location and specifications of a sample can be found in our relational data warehouse. There are more than 170,000 blood samples, feathers and other tissues stored at NIOO. The samples can be used to investigate the genotype of an individual or population in relation to their phenotype.

Species groups studied

Insects (invertebrates), birds 

Running period (guaranteed funding)

Collecting avian blood samples is part of long-term research at NIOO.

Equipment / facilities

Depending on the tissue, samples are stored at room temperature in a lysis buffer at either -20°C or -80°C.     

Data management 

When a sample is collected, the researcher will enter this information into the AnE data warehouse. It is not possible to make a record for a sample if there is no individual and capture information available in the database. The sample will automatically be visible in the import screen for the molecular lab. At the end of the season, all samples collected that year are sorted by ring number and placed at their final location. 

Conditions for access

On the SPI-Birds website, it is possible to check if samples are available for a specific species and population. 


Infrastructure type
Collections - cultures / museum


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